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H&M Equipment Co., Inc. New York
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New Holland Combine Field Data Recording Solutions

New Holland Combine Field Data Recording Solutions for sale at H&M Equipment Co., Inc. New York

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New Holland Combine Field Data Recording Solutions for sale at H&M Equipment Co., Inc. New York





New Holland yield monitoring systems enable you to view real time yield and moisture data, and track the performance of different varieties and hybrids, helping make informed decisions for improving bottom-line profits. The exclusive patented, high accuracy yield sensor developed by New Holland is recognized as best in class. Its design neutralizes the rubbing effect of grain. Whatever the kind, the variety or the moisture content of the kernel, the sensor generates an extremely accurate yield measurement. Once you initially calibrate your sensor at the beginning of the season, no further intervention is required.






New Holland’s moisture sensor measures grain moisture in real time. Samples are taken every 30 seconds and the data is sent to the IntelliView monitor. As the information is delivered in real time, the operator is kept continually informed and can adapt machine parameters accordingly. For the most accurate readings, sensor calibration is required for each different crop type.







The NutriSense™ system is a crop moisture and nutrient analyzer and uses near infrared (NIR) technology to measure the following crop parameters:
• Moisture Content
• Crude Protein
• Crude Fat
• Starch
• NDF (Neutral Detergent Fiber)
• ADF (Acid Detergent Fiber)
• Ash

The data outputted from the NutriSense™ system offers the farmer both agronomical and commercial benefits.

Agronomical Benefits
• Map the nutritional values of the harvested crop and use it as an input for creating variable-rate fertilizer maps to maximize crop nutritional value, yields and lower operating costs.
• Offer growers the possibility to manage and balance soil nitrogen levels over the full growing cycle.
• Provides full traceability of harvested crops.
• Be able to evaluate different crop/seed varieties based on nutritional value.

Commercial Benefits
• Make commercial decisions based on the nutritional value of the harvested crop so the best price premiums for crop quality can be negotiated.
• Offer certain industries specific requested protein level (e.g. breweries), maximizing commodity prices.
• Blend different grain qualities to reach a certain (min or max) quality and target industry standards.
• Avoid that commodity price setting is only done based on limited quality samples taken from the grain tank or truckload. Quality of sample may vary significantly.

Integration with Precision Land Management
IntelliView IV Display
The NutriSense™ data is now available in real-time to the operator through the IntelliView IV display on both Forager Cruiser and CX/CR flagship combines. The data is available to view on the Run screens or can be mapped visually on the Coverage Map screen. All data from the NIR sensor is automatically logged to the USB device connected to the display and can be analyzed later in the MyPLM Connect portal using the MyFarm App.

MyPLM Connect
The NutriSense™ data can be uploaded to the MyPLM Connect portal by uploading the data from the USB device manually. Alternatively, if the vehicle is equipped with MYPLMCONNECT File Transfer then harvest data on the IntelliView IV display is automatically uploaded to the MYPLMCONNECT portal during the harvest operation.

The parameters measuring the crop composition of the harvested crop are automatically mapped in the Farm App of the MYPLMCONNECT portal and enable the farmer to analyze the field and crop performance.


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